Pictures from our 02-15-17 event at the new Mosque. We had an overflow crowd (over 100 surely) in the Social Hall. Conversation - Life Ethics.
Pictures from our 03-23-17 event at the University of Dubuque. Over 150 in Hadley Auditorium as John Eby, Bonnie Sue Lewis, Adib Kassas and Alan Garfield talked about the Impact of 6 years of Interfaith conversations. Definitely not a session to have missed.
Pictures from our 04-20-17 event at Wartburg Seminary. Hosted by Dean Craig Nessan, Adib Kassas led us in Scripture study of Surah 24 Alnur in the Quran. Ben Brown (Christian) and Alan Garfield (Jewish) led us in reactions to the Surah. Lively discussion.
A few pictures from our very successful first conversation of the year on 09-14-17 involving Alan Garfield (Jewish), Adib Kassas (Muslim), Fr. Dustin Lyon (Greek Orthodox) perspectives on the essences of their religions. In addition a bibliography of further reading was distributed. Not many pics; but a great time at Loras College.
Pictures from our 10-12-17 Sukkot celebration, dinner and Jewish Scripture Study. 5pm - build the Sukkah; 6pm - Sukkot Service; 6:15 - Dinner; 7-8:15 Jewish Scripture Study. Ecclesiastes Chap 1/3: Kate Scheinman, Becca Gottlieb and Alan Garfield in the Jewish tradition, Rev. Stephanie Schlimm in a Christian tradition (Epworth United Methodist Church) and Dr. Tauseef Khan in the Muslim tradition. About 150 people and...no food left. A great time.
Pictures from our 2-22-18 event. Scripture Study: Book of Daniel, Chapter 7. Emmaus Bible College.
Pictures from our 3-22-18 event. Violent Passages from our Holy Texts. Hadley Auditorium, University of Dubuque with Dr. Tauseef Kahn, Rev. Lillian Daniel and Prof Alan Garfield. Over 100 persons with no empty seats in the Auditorium.
Pictures from our 04-26-18 conversation at Clarke University. This was our last of our 7th year. Hosted by Prof John Eby with Aref Khatib, Keyera Shaw, Alan Garfield, Taj Suleiman and Nathaniel Gee. Each gave a quote and told a story of the work of MLK Jr.
Pictures from our 9-27-18 conversation at Temple Beth El. This is always a favorite. We all pitch in to build the Sukkah, decorate it, share a meal in the Social Hall and then proceed upstairs to the Sanctuary for our conversation. The topic "Seeking Truth" was presented by Alan Garfield (Temple Beth El), Sam Giere (Wartburg Theological Seminary) and Adib Kassas (Tri-State Islamic Center). Loads of pics.
Pictures from our 10-18-18 conversation at the Annex of the Multicultural Family Center. Presentations were from Ellie Landau (Temple Beth El), Adib Kassas (Tri-State ISlamic Center), Sr. Christin Tomy (Sinsinawa Sisters) and Julia Theisen (Yoga) The topic: Prayer, Body and Soul.
Pictures from our 11-15-18 conversation in the Ballroom of the Student Center, Loras College. (I remember when it had dividers because we never had more than 30 or 40 show up. Tonight it was well over 150.) Presentations were from Ken Halstead (Lutheran), Tauseef Khan (Muslim from Tri-State Islamic Center), and Alan Garfield (Jewish from Temple Beth El). The topic: Evil.
Pictures from our 1-31-19 conversation in the Social Hall of St. Anthony's Church. It must have been -31 degrees F out and we considered, seriously considered, cancelling just for safety sake. We didn't. And Rev Charles Layton (St. Luke's Methodist Church), Dr. Tauseff Kahn (Tri-State Islamic Center) and Professor Alan Garfield (Temple Beth El) led us on a thought-provoking journey of 'forgiveness', our topic that night. Over 50 persons came and we stayed until 9:30pm. Some night.
Pictures from our 2-21-19 conversation at the University of Dubuque. Hadley Auditorium was packed with every seat taken and folks sitting on the steps. Presenters were Sr. Toni Harris (Sinsinawa), Prof. Taj Suleyman (Tri-State Islamic Center) and Prof Alan Garfield (Temple Beth El)h. Kate Scheinman was the emcee and led us on this illustrated discussion of how the Arts figure in Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
Pictures from our 3-21-19 conversation at the Tri-States Islamic Center (the Dubuque Mosque). The Mosque was packed, with over 275 folks including our friends from the Dubuque Police Department. Presenters were Mrs. Tania Khan, Dr. Adib Kassas, Dr. Rami al-Tibi, Prof Alan Garfield, Rev Ed Moreano, Mr. Jody Dernin and Prof John Eby. This was a rather free-form discussion of Death and Dying plus a Memorial for the Christchurch, New Zealand Mosque Shootings on Friday, March 15, 2019.
Our Friends:
We are very thankful for the encouraging support (financial and enthusiastic) by the following institutions:
- Loras College
- University of Dubuque